"Queen", the oldest surviving wooden motor narrow boat afloat (sometimes) is being unhelpful. She's up and down like a yoyo. She went down about a week ago and Nessie raised her again yesterday. I checked her at about 7pm and, though she was leaking, it was well within the capacity of the pumps.
In the evening I took part in a very positive committee meeting. We have a really good committee now. The biggest problem is that they're all so busy with their day jobs. We could do with some retired people joining (preferably ones without too many grandchildren, boats or camper vans so that they have some spare time)
Anyway! I confidently reported to the meeting that "Queen" was afloat, only to find this morning that she'd gone down in the night. This time 3 pumps were still running strongly despite their batteries being under water. Obviously there's been a big influx somewhere. Mind you, I thought that before when she went down.
I wonder if we have a quantum leak, ie, one that doesn't leak when you're looking for it but pours in when you're not.
Nessie is not happy, especially as his car engine has blown up so he has to walk everywhere.
Here's a picture of "Queen"s bow when she was afloat yesterday. Isn't it a lovely shape!