Up the Peak Forest

                                                                      Up the Peak Forest

With the cancellation of the Lymm Historic Transport Day we scrubbed the plan to go along the Bridgewater and took a trip with "Forget me Not" and "Hazel" up the Peak forest canal instead. I was a bit disappointed that so many people pulled out at the last minute, but this tends to happen with well being trips. We had a late start from Ashton because of engine problems on "Forget me Not" eventually I had to call in the cavalry in the form of Stephan the engineer. There was an awkward moment when it looked like the starter motor had given up, but Steph persuaded it to go again and eventually we were able to set off with Kim steering the motor, Joan steering the butty, Aaron helping out wherever necessary and me just pottering about and enjoying the ride.

It was wonderful to be navigating the lovely and recently dredged canal. With the starting problems sorted "Forget me Not" ran well with her overhauled injectors.

Hyde Bank Tunnel.

Emerging from the tunnel.

We tied for the night near Marple Aqueduct, a lovely spot, and tucked into the stew supplied by Emuna for the trip. Elizabeth joined us to come on the rest of the trip.

I woke up in the morning to enjoy a lovely sylvan view from "Forget me Not"s back cabin.

Aaron, being a bundle of energy, had cycled home to Ashton for the night. He returned on his bike when the rest of us were still rubbing the sleep out of our eyes.

Working up the locks, Aaron steered the motor, Joan and Kim did most of the drawing of paddles while I bowhauled the butty and Elizabeth had her first experience of steering, She did incredibly well

I wasn't at all sure that I'd be able to bowhaul the whole flight of 16 locks after dealing with cancer and long covid over the last couple of years, but I did it and haven't collapsed yet.

As I write this we're tied for the night in Marple, ready to go on to Bugsworth tomorrow.