The Big Boatyard Clearup Continues

Kim and his son Joe joined me for a days labour at Knowl St boatyard today. Joe and Kim's main job was cutting back the buddleia bushes that have gone rampant along the Eastern edge of the yard. They've been feeding the local butterflies all summer, but now they have to go. 

 I had to leave early because of a hospital appointment but I was able to start the job of putting new tarpaulins over the containers. The first part of this task is moving "Hazel"s old planks that are stored there pending being cut up and painted as saleable craft items.

The tarpaulins were donated by Tautliners UK and they will cover up the leaks in the container roofs.

Those containers have given us good service, but they're coming to the end of their days now. We could replace them with newer containers, but that would just be a temporary fix. Temporary fixes have a bad habit of becoming permanent. We really need to get on with developing the boatyard and constructing permanent workshops.