
For the past few days "Hazel" has been in use as a film location. We moved her up to Dukinfield lift bridge on Thursday. That wasn't so nice. I was still feeling rough from my hospital treatment and the weather was torrential sleet. Aaron did all the strenuous work. "Hazel" had spent a few hours at Dixon & Smith having her batteries charged so his first job was to wind in the Marina entrance.

We often joke that Aaron has a nuclear reactor inside him as he is so hardy, but, after that manoeuver he had to come in and warm his hands by the stove.

With the feeling returned to his hands I gave Aaron some gloves and he bowhauled while I steered. Aaron somehow lacked his usual enthusiasm. I tried to film but without much success.

The film director wanted "Hazel" tied on the outside by the bridge. I've seen boats tied there before but clearly they were shallower drafted. We had to use a plank. Aaron has stayed aboard as watchman. The first night somebody burned out a car on the adjacent car park.

The weather Has been horrendous. All the filming was inside, though I believe the actors and crew had an awful time filming outdoor scenes in Manchester. In a brief episode of sunshine I photographed the scene.

Inside the crew were busy, struggling a little with the confined space. At least they were using a real boat interior. Often film studios make ridiculously huge mock ups in the studio for boat interiors. Ones that spring to mind are Cliff Richards "Take me High"
or the 1967 swinging London film "Smashing Time"
Today, Sunday 9th January 2022, is the last day of filming. They've promised that tomorrow they'll clean up the considerable mess they've made. Apparently the script involves a lot of smashing plates and glasses (made of sugar glass) and last night the bits were all over the floor.