In the morning Liz and Peter, her husband joined us, having cycled from Portland Basin. Kim met us at the locks. As Liz had been getting good at handling the motor boat I suggested that she take "Forget me Not" ahead up the locks with Kim's assistance while the rest of us followed on with the butty, taking turns at bowhauling between locks.
As we were working up Marple locks there was some concern about the locks being closed through lack of water. They were indeed closed at 3 PM but we were told they would re-open at 3 on Monday.
We met the final downhill boat in the short pound below the top lock. There were some problems getting the bowhauling line past the rooftop flower beds on the other boat and, in the process, it snagged on the timberhead. In trying to sort this out Aaron lost his balance and fell into "Hazel"s fore end, breaking one of the benches, but luckily he was unhurt. Aaron is widely believed to be indestructible!.
The boats spent the night breasted up on the lock landing at the head of the locks as there were not going to be any lock users for the time being. The fuel delivery boat "Alton" appeared out of the Macclesfield canal and turned towards Whaley Bridge.
Promptly at 8AM in the morning Darren Shepherd arrived on his bike. We set off with Aaron steering the motor, Darren on the butty and me walking ahead to work the swing and lift bridges. With the low water levels "Forget me Not" struggled to get through some of these.
The upper Peak Forest runs on a ledge high up on the side of the Goyt valley with lovely views across into the hills of Derbyshire.
The Goyt valley reminds me of a huge scenic model railway as different lines built long ago by competing companies appear and disappear and pop out of tunnels. From the canal the distant trains look like they are 00 scale.
Our target for the day was Bugsworth Basins, where once limestone was loaded into boats from the horse powered Peak Forest Tramway.
It was the birthday of one of our guests and I had recommended to them the Navigation inn at Bugsworth. M and I had a very pleasant meal there a few years ago. We arrived at about 1.30 PM and they booked a meal for the evening. Unfortunately they weren't impressed.
I had a 'phone crisis. My mobile 'phone, essential for organising crew, was nearly out of power but my 12 volt charger had stopped working. Tesco didn't have a replacement so I had to don my mask and head home by train. M made me a quick meal while I charged the 'phone, then I got the train back, replacement charger in my bag.
On Monday morning we winded, with some difficulty, in the muddy basins. An attempt to fill "Hazel"s water tank failed because a vital hose connector had gone missing.
The water crisis was partly because of lack of rain, partly because of the extra boat movements because people can't holiday abroad, but largely because Todbrook reservoir is out of use after it's near collapse last year. At Whaley Bridge huge pumps were in use to lift water from the river into the canal.
The return trip to Marple was a little easier as the level had come up an inch or so overnight, but we still stemmed up a couple of times. Joan Wainwright joined us at Furness Vale, having timed her arrival by train impeccably. As she walked off the station platform she could hear the chug of "Forget me Not"s engine as the boats approached.